• Exchange officers conferred Sword of Honor

    At a gala event at the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force, June 2, the 2020 Royal Air Force Museum American Foundation Sword of Honor was awarded to the top performing exchange officers from the U.S. and U.K., recognizing excellence in pursuit of aviation.

  • The Air Force seeks to accelerate efficiency

    As modern warfare continues to evolve, the Air Force has renewed its focus on maintaining secure fuel networks and optimizing operations for maximized combat capability. Over the past year, the Air Force Operational Energy office targeted specific initiatives that aim to increase operational

  • AFMC successfully navigates Fiscal Year 2020 challenges

    With a focus rooted in the ability to sustain the mission and an eye towards long-term expansion and growth, the Air Force Materiel Command successfully executed a $67 billion portfolio in Fiscal Year 2020, ensuring operational mission success for our warfighters.

  • Brown formally installed as 22nd Air Force Chief of Staff

    In remarks following the formal “Change of Responsibility” ceremony in which he took over from retiring Gen. David L. Goldfein, the 21st Chief of Staff, Brown acknowledged an array of people who influenced his life. Among them were his wife, Sharene, and his parents, as well as a list of Air Force

  • Mobile app supports new hire process

    A new mobile application feature aims to make the on-boarding process and first days of work easier for civilian new hires across the Air Force Materiel Command. The “Newcomers” feature on the AFMC instance of the Air Force Connect mobile application provides new employees with step-by-step

  • AFMC virtual town hall updates command, focuses on readiness

    The theme of readiness wove throughout the Air Force Materiel Command Virtual Town Hall, Feb. 3. Resiliency, fitness, the AFMC We Need, Space Force and more among the topics of focus during the hour-long event. Gen. Arnold W. Bunch, Jr., AFMC commander, and Chief Master Sgt. Stan Cadell, AFMC senior

  • AFMC launches new holistic resiliency effort

    The Air Force Materiel Command has launched a new initiative that aims to increase unit cohesion and connectedness by emphasizing a culture that holistically builds mental, physical, social and spiritual fitness across the enterprise. Driven by the Air Force Resilience Tactical Pause held in fall

  • 388th Fighter Wing standing up final F-35A aircraft maintenance unit

    Hill’s 388th Fighter Wing recently began standing up the last of its aircraft maintenance units, a big step toward receiving the full complement of F-35A Lightning IIs by the end of 2019. The first operational F-35s landed at Hill Air Force Base in October 2015. Since then the 34th Aircraft

  • Innovating compressor blade inspection

    Blade defects decrease engine efficiency and power, while increasing fuel burn (specific fuel consumption) and exhaust gas temperature (EGT) - resulting in higher maintenance costs, and decreased aircraft availability. Additionally, defective compressor blades can pose a safety threat if not