Jan. 11, 2023 Department of the Air Force recognizes National Mentoring Month The DAF values mentorship as an enterprise imperative and is committed to increasing deliberate mentoring for Total Force Airmen and Guardians.
June 23, 2022 AFSC's Brig. Gen. Arledge talks importance of mentorship Parts I & II Brig. Gen. Elizabeth Arledge, mobilization assistant to the AFSC Commander, shares her experiences on both sides of mentorship and what motivates her to be a guide for others, to help them reach their goals.
May 11, 2022 VIDEO: AFSC executive officer talks about benefits of an active mentorship program Most recently, we sat down with Lt. Col. Jon Arceta, the executive officer to the AFSC commander, to discuss his thoughts on how having an active mentorship program, with leadership support, not only benefits the individual, but all of AFSC as well.
Feb. 14, 2022 AFSC Executive Director talks mentoring Mr. Dennis D'Angelo, AFSC executive director talks about his experience mentoring and gives his thoughts on the ways mentoring can be beneficial at all career levels.
July 27, 2021 New Federal Wage System Mentorship Program Accepting Applicants Applications are now being accepted for a new Air Force Sustainment Center mentorship program designed specifically for Federal Wage System employees to develop leadership skills, foster high levels of engagement and sharpen their career vision. Both potential mentors and mentees can apply.