May 6, 2022 Chaplain's Message for AFSC: Fun Friday Thought, A happy heart is like good medicine Real laughter just happens without us having to think about it. Laughter also sparks others around you to laugh. It's “funny” how that works. Have you ever simply laughed in front of a baby, child, or another adult? Chances are, especially with babies, that they too soon started to laugh with you.
March 25, 2022 Chaplain's Message for AFSC: Fun Friday Thought, The dead of winter has passed and now we see life spring forth As you go out this weekend, take time to relax…to slow down. Stop and appreciate the world that is before your eyes. Appreciate those that you work with on a daily basis. Appreciate your family and friends. Appreciate the precious life you have been given. You are of value to those around. You were
March 11, 2022 Chaplain's Message for AFSC: Fun Friday Thought, adapted from How Great is Our God devotional series The proverbial saying “You are what you eat” didn’t manifest itself into our English language until around the 1930s. A variant of this phrase was first mentioned in 1826 by Anthelme Brillat-Savarin, a French lawyer who stated: "Tell me what you eat and I will tell you what you are.” Later in 1863,