• From the Commander: Memorial Day Message 2022

    Integrity, service, and excellence are the principles Airmen have lived and died by for generations. On Monday, I encourage you to set aside a moment to earnestly remember those who came before us and exemplified those traits to the end.

  • From the Commander - Veterans Day 2021

    On this Veterans Day, we honor all of those who have worn the uniform and served our great country. From the few World War II veterans still with us to those young veterans with a few years of service whose faces show experience and wisdom beyond their age, we owe them each our gratitude. Enlisted

  • Remembering September 11, 2001

    We each have our own personal account of Sept. 11, 2001 – where we were, who was there, and the feeling we had the moment we realized it was not a terrible accident, but an intentional act of terrorism.In the days that followed the attack, we all shared not only in the pain, but also the unity that

  • From the Commander - Independence Day 2021

    Independence Day is a time for celebration, an opportunity for our entire country to come together in unity and revel in the freedoms we enjoy as citizens of the United States.


AFSC's 2025 Strategic Plan Coming Soon.