• DoD releases first departmentwide social media policy 

    The Defense Department released a policy that spells out how DoD military and civilian personnel should use official social media accounts to best advance the mission of the U.S. military and further instill trust in the credibility of the DoD. 

  • AFSC’s Office of the Future Progress on Track

    In April, the team at AFSC Safety, led by Ryan Smith, became the first office to take advantage of the AFSC Office of the Future initiative by transitioning their team to 80 percent telework. They also successfully coordinated space-sharing with the 72nd Air Base Wing Safety Office, enabling them

  • Department of the Air Force releases COVID-19 policy

    The Department of the Air Force released its policy today outlining the way forward for Total Force military members serving in the Air Force and Space Force who have requested separation or retirement prior to Nov. 2, 2021, or whose COVID-19 medical exemption or religious accommodation was denied.

  • AFMC releases updated telework guidance

    The Air Force Materiel Command has released an updated guide to provide employees and supervisors with a one-stop reference to policies and procedures governing telework activity across the mission set. The 25-page document covers all aspects of telework, to include eligibility, training, pay, leave


AFSC's 2025 Strategic Plan Coming Soon.