AFSC Staff Judge Advocate releases 2021 Holiday Season Ethics Guide ahead of festivities

  • Published
  • By Lemitchel King
  • Air Force Sustainment Center Public Affairs

The Air Force Sustainment Center Staff Judge Advocate staff released the 2021 Holiday Season Ethics Guidance ahead of this year’s holiday season, when office holiday party plans and gift-giving ideas are included in almost every meeting.

“The holiday season is traditionally a time of parties, receptions and the exchange of gifts that are enjoyed by all,” said Col. Drew Roberts, AFSC staff judge advocate. “We encourage all members of the Sustainment Center workforce to remember that ethics and standards of conduct do not take a vacation during this time.”  Roberts encourages all personnel to review the rules and guidance provided in the 2021 Holiday Season Ethics Guide.

The five-page document gives summaries of the DoD Standards of Conduct rules related to holiday displays, open houses, parties, receptions, and gift giving between AFSC military and civilian employees, contractors and the community hosts and can be used as a quick-reference resource.

One example, under the topic of ‘Gifts’ states as a general rule that federal personnel may not accept gifts offered because of their official positions or offered by a “prohibited source.” The guide thoroughly defines “gifts” and “prohibited source” to clear up possible confusion.

Other topics addressed include gift exchanges between supervisor and subordinate, peers and contractors, and office parties hosted by federal and non-federal sources during duty and non-duty times.

The guide also lists exceptions that may be made for each of these topics.

Please remember, the guide only highlights common questions JA has received and does not cover every situation. Contact AFSC/JA at for answers to any additional questions or concerns.

“Your local legal teams are ready to answer any questions you have related to this guidance,” said Roberts.


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