Revised AFMC Energy Assurance Campaign Plan focuses on future

  • Published
  • By Estella Holmes, Air Force Materiel Command Public Affairs

The revised 2021 Installation Energy Assurance Campaign Plan provides the way ahead for the Air Force Materiel Command energy assurance posture into the next decade.

The AFMC mission consumes vast amounts of energy, and a prolonged disruption in supply can lead to millions of dollars in lost productivity. Being energy resilient is critical to mission success.  

“This update to our EACP adopts the Air Force approach to defining requirements for energy assurance and improving our systems to assure mission accomplishment,” said Gen. Arnold W. Bunch, commander, Air Force Materiel Command.

The Energy Assurance Campaign Plan requires all critical functions achieve an appropriate level of energy assurance by 2030.

To achieve this, AFMC installations will implement mission-enabling energy systems and infrastructure that sustains known demands while being flexible enough to match changes in priorities and missions. The systems will also be scalable enough to meet increasing demand and cyber risks.

Near-term objectives for accomplishing energy assurance span five lines of effort:

LOE – 1. Optimized systems and processes: maximizing energy output while minimizing waste

LOE – 2. Cyber-resilient control systems: agile, mission-supportive and resilient systems

LOE – 3. Matched capabilities: system requirements depend on the specific mission being supported

LOE – 4. Reliable and managed infrastructure: reliability measured by how well system provides availability

LOE – 5. System performance assurance: system performance speaks to reliability, which provides insight into system’s health based on past performance

In order to define appropriate energy levels, Detachment 6, Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio connected experts and a community of stakeholders in various energy areas.

“Achieving an appropriate level of energy assurance is difficult but necessary work,” said David Fort, energy program manager, Civil Engineering Operations Branch, Detachment 6.

With the Energy Assurance Campaign Plan now in place, supporting forums made up of independent communities have developed to resolve energy gaps and make sure installations have a solid plan of action in place.

Air Force-sponsored Installation Energy Plans have now been developed for six of the eight AFMC installations. In general, the plans defines mission energy requirements and capability gaps in installation systems.

“AFMC can no longer take the availability of installation energy for granted,” said Fort. “The homeland is no longer a sanctuary from possible cyber energy attacks.”

The 2021 AFMC Installation Energy Assurance Campaign Plan outlines a strategy to make the command’s energy systems sustainable, flexible, scalable and secure enough to deliver on AFMC’s commitments. The plan can be viewed on the AFMC website at 


AFSC's 2025 Strategic Plan Coming Soon.