HILL AIR FORCE BASE, Utah -- Join the Hill Air Force Base Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility office for its quarterly "IDEA with DEIA" speaker series at 8 a.m. (Mountain Time) on June 7.
The virtual event will be hosted on ZoomGov and is open to all military and civilian personnel. The link for the event will be sent out through internal channels.
IDEA stands for "Innovation, Discussion, Education and Aspiration” and the purpose of the speaker series is to increase the awareness of the agency's continued efforts to promote diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility.
The speaker for this IDEA with DEIA session will be Lt. Col. (retired) Angel Jesse Lugo, National Guard Bureau Diversity & Inclusion Education and Training Program Manager at Arlington, Virginia, who will discuss "Linking Emotional Intelligence and Inclusion.”
In this capacity, Lugo is responsible for assisting the Chief, Diversity, and Inclusion Branch in managing the development of all aspects of diversity and inclusion education and training across the National Guard force, and implementation and alignment of the Bureau's integrated global diversity and inclusion initiatives for Soldiers, Airmen and civilians.
The IDEA with DEIA speaker series is an opportunity to delve deeper into topics of diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility. Through these innovative and educational topics, the goal is to provide open, productive, and respectful discussions on issues affecting all service members.
Quarterly speakers will include leaders from across the AFMC and Air Force.
For questions or additional information on the event, contact the DEIA office at 801-586-0296.