HR Career Enhancement Program


The FWS Mentoring Program is a 12-month structured mentoring program that develops and builds future leaders, fosters engagement and provides career vision.  Mentors will be assigned to an FWS mentee to assist with career development through goal setting and professional development. 

Mentors should commit to meet one hour per month in individual and group sessions. These sessions can include:


•       Career goal identification development

•       Technical development and progression options

•       Educational opportunities

•       Job applications and interviews

•       Wage Grade Career Path Resource Site utilization   


Mentors do not have to be a supervisor.  The program is tailored around career progression, so no FWS experience is necessary.  It is self-guided and resources are provided to assist mentors, but some research may be required depending on your experience.


Basic Eligibility:  

•       All GS, AcqDemo, Military and FWS can apply as Mentors

•       No FWS experience required

•       NH-04 approval required (for grades lower than NH-04)


For more information or to apply visit:     


FYSA, the application window for FWS mentees will be open 1-12 Aug.