No skills/knowledge required before hire
Master simple to common work tasks under supervision
Learn and advance through three levels of apprenticeship: 1. Beginning: Do simple works tasks under close supervision 2. Middle: Do the less difficult common work tasks under close supervision 3. Advanced: Do common work tasks under close supervision
Develop Competencies: focus on Developing Self category
Line of works skills/knowledge required before hire
Master common work tasks under supervision
Line of work skills/knowledge required before hire
Master common to complex tasks with minimal supervision
Provide production support services
Combine occupational skills with Competencies: focus on Developing Self, Others categories
Master common to complex tasks to include ability to inspect and teach others
Sharpen lead or supervisory skills
Combine occupational skills with Competencies: focus on Developing Self, Others, Orgs categories
Master ability to supervise groups of workers through one or more levels of subordinate supervisors
Combine occupational skills with Competencies: focus on Developing Self, Others, Orgs, Ideas categories
USAF Competency Categories Developing Ideas: Focus on developing skills necessary to innovatively think, process and contribute to organizational goals Developing Orgs: Focus on big picture, overarching organizational development Developing Others: Focus on interpersonal relationships and directly influence human behavior, values and interactions Developing Self: Focus on creating an environment for success through personal and professional growth